Who Am I

Hello all, I am Abdul former student Embassador and help tech support at Sacramento City College, and material handler at apple company. in addition to the above worked experience, I have worked with KKCC Company as IT help desk and technician for many years. During the past years, I have gained experience in the IT field. In the meantime, I learned building websites at Bay Valley Tech Code Academy, Udemy, and freecodecamp by using modern technologies to solve complex problems through programming. In addition to my major, I have many other certifications that describe my expertise in many domains.For example, CCNA certification in networking, networking Diploma, C++ certification, HTML certification, and phython certification. In this portfolio, you can find information regarding my web projects, technical skills, and how to contact with me using navigation bar on top right. Feel free to contact me if you want to collaborate or learn more about me or my work. Verify my C++ completion at w3schools.com Verify my Python certification at Python certificate Verify my HTML certification with student ID:24401 at bayvallytech Validate my CCNA certificate's authenticity with Certificate Verification No. 438160073895HKDH at cisco.com

My Professional Experiences

Student Tech Support at SCC Sacramento City College, I honed my skills in troubleshooting technical issues assisting students with IT-related problems and providing support for various technologies. This role deepened my understanding of hardware and software systems.

Technician and material handler at apple company

Working as a technician at Apple enhanced my ability to work in fast paced high demand environments. I learned to prioritize customer satisfaction while diagnosing and resolving customer hardware and software-related problems effectively.

Technical Skills and Projects

I have completed several HTML, CSS, and software development projects such as ATM machine code and web development projects, including the Employee Registration Form, Net Cafe website, Yoga training website, Java Jam Websites and many more which taught me the importance of responsive design and user-friendly websites for all kinds of devices such as smartphone, tablet, and desktop.

Programming Knowledge

My C++ certification and Python certification demonstrates my proficiency in programming languages, enabling me to build functional and dynamic software applications.Networking experience with a CCNA certification and Networking Diploma, I have a strong foundation in networking principles, enhancing my ability to integrate systems seamlessly. Below are my certifications.

Goals and Vision

My goal is to excel as a professional front-end web developer and software developer, combining my technical skills and creativity to deliver impactful digital solutions. I am constantly exploring modern technologies and frameworks to stay ahead in this dynamic field.

Get in touch

Explore my portfolio to see my HTML and CSS projects and technical expertise. If you are interested in collaborating, have inquiries about my work, or wish to learn more about my journey, feel free to contact me through the contact page.